The meeting between the consul of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the lawyer Angelo Melone and the president of the Il Tarì goldsmith center, Vincenzo Giannotti, took place yesterday. The meeting, aimed at creating new opportunities for exchange and starting relations between the Democratic Republic of Congo, which could be defined as the great land of natural treasures due to the infinite presence of metals and precious stones, and the best goldsmith companies from Campania united since 1994 in this majestic center was of great interest to both parties. «The Tarì, creative and distribution center of gems and precious materials with its 40,000 m² of built-up areas and its 380 established companies with a total of 2500 employees; constitutes a unique reality in Europe as it is a permanent fair open 365 days a year for operators in the sector. It will be interesting to build synergies and opportunities with the country that I have the honor of representing "says Melone. The President Giannotti, accompanying the consul on his institutional visit, told him with great passion the story of the tarì wanted by the oldest goldsmith families in Naples that from typical place of trade of the city, the famous goldsmiths village, have come to the creation of a reality that has now become one of the first three Italian goldsmith centers. The consul was particularly interested in the high school goldsmith training present within the tarì which, like an academy, is contemplative of all the specializations for the professional preparation of those who will be the representatives of this ancient art, true excellence The diplomat expressed his willingness to create potential active collaborations with the DRC, a geographically huge country, very rich in precious materials and assured his intervention, so that discussions are initiated only with Congolese realities that operate in full legality and in full respect for human rights. "It would be an achievement also for Italy, says Melone, if excellences of the Campania region such as this one of Tarì shared their basic artisan training with the Congolese who are surrounded by raw materials but do not have the skills to enhance them to the utmost". President Giannotti clarified that Tarì is interested in all the opportunities to ensure constant growth in the center and in the sector and has shown willingness to train Congolese to become standard-bearers of the ancient Neapolitan goldsmith tradition in the African country. The visit ended with a mutual commitment to develop new relationships and exchanges in a perspective of flourishing interconnections between future masters of the trade from both countries.